We're participating in the 8th BOINC Pentathlon by SETI.Germany (starts on May 5, and goes over 2 weeks).
- See here for all the signed up BOINC teams.
- Here's a summary of last year's Pentathlon (we were #7 from 33 teams)
Each team can now provide desired BOINC projects for the disciplines (see here) until April 27:
- we can suggest 3 BOINC projects (see I.) and one World Community Grid subproject (see II.).
- a1) poll on I. and II. or
- a2) select those projects where we have massive hardware power or
- a3) the most Gridcoin users or
- a4) some other criteria ?
If a poll is desired (a1)), I think we can do a 10-day poll duration? (we could also do a poll in parallel over a1-a4)
a.) GPU support
- Amicable Numbers
- Asteroids@home
- Collatz Conjecture
- Einstein@Home
- MilkyWay@home
- Moo! Wrapper
- SETI@Home
b.) CPU-only
- Cosmology@Home
- LHC@Home
- NFS@Home
- NumberFields@home
- SRBase
- VGTU@Home
- yoyo@home
- Enigma@Home (this poll and not having any WUs since March 23 indicates it will be removed from whitelist, and likely from the Pentathlon)
- not whitelisted: DENIS@Home, Stop@home
II. WCG projects:
- FightAIDS@Home - Phase 1
- Mapping Cancer Markers
- OpenZika
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